FEA Services
PEng-Consulting brings to bear more than 20 years of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) experience in solving the most difficult mechanical engineering analysis challenges.

See Project Samples




CFD Services
At PEng-Consulting, we developed our expertise in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with years of CFD project work in Telecommunication,Silicon, Filtration, Oil and Gas, Industrial, Marine, Civil and Automotive areas. Our work has been extensively validated by experiments and in-service testing, giving us the necessary validation experience that allows us to provide world-class CFD service to our clients.

See Project Samples

Pressure Vessel Services
PEng-Consulting has successfully completed Structure Calculations (DBF) and Validation as well as Analisis (DBA) Work for a broad range of pressure vessels and heat exchangers. Within this body of work, we have applied the following codes:

ASME BPVC Section VIII, Divison 1(Design-by-Formula)

ASME BPVC Section VIII, Divison 2 (Design-by-Analysis)

European std: AD2000, BS EN 13445, PD 5500,PED,ATEX/IECEx

Russian std: GOST R 52630/52857

Ballast Water std: DNV, Lloyds, ABS .

Storage Tanks: API 650, API653 , API620.

See Project Samples





Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS)
Developing and documenting welding procedure specifications (WPS), coordinating welders’ training and certification process with Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB).

See Project Samples

Canadian Registration Number (CRN)
CRN registration is a core component of the services GTS supplies to its customers. Design review of Pressure vessels & Fittings in accordance with ASME VIII Division 1 requirements, using Codeware’s Compress software, and submittal to the proper technical authorities for Canadian Registration Number (CRN) approval.

See Project Samples